After you have been involved in an automobile accident, you can expect to be in contact with your insurance agent quite a bit. This is crucial to make certain that you get a fair settlement and have guidance throughout the entire claim process. All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School serving Palm Coast, FL is always here for you when you need help with a claim.
Why Call Your Agent?
The first priority following an accident is to attend to anyone with injuries and speak with the law enforcement on the scene. The next thing you need to do is call your auto insurance agent. It is reasonable to wait until you have left the scene of the accident and returned home, or even wait until the next day. However, it is crucial that you call as soon as possible.
Regardless of who was at fault for the accident, you should always contact your insurance agent. Most likely, your policy will require you to report any accident. You may be incorrect about who is at fault in the accident. The other driver involved may not have adequate insurance and you may need to seek reimbursement through other means. In addition, your insurance agent can help you secure a rental car while your car is getting the necessary repairs.
The only time you may not need to call your insurance agent is if the accident takes place on your property, no other drivers were involved, and the damages are so minimal that you can pay for it out of pocket without consequences.
If you are not sure when to call your insurance agent, All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School serving Palm Coast, FL is happy to help. Give us a call today and one of our highly trained staff members will answer all of your questions and address any concerns that you may have.