There is so much to think about when going on a holiday, especially with regards to your insured assets. It is normal to feel overwhelmed and wonder whether it is a good idea to notify your insurance company of your trips or not. Fortunately, you don’t need to. At All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School, we understand that people travel a lot in Palm Coast, FL, and across the world. However, it is always prudent to let your auto insurance know that you will be away for more than 30 days.
Can I suspend my auto insurance?
Of course. If you are going to be away for a more extended period let’s say more than three months or are not sure how long you will be away, you can always agree with your insurance provider to suspend or lower your rates depending on whether you will use the car or not. It is essential to inform your provider early before your bills are late. If you are leaving with your vehicle, you will also need to inform your provider.
When should you cancel your policy?
Since all the 50 states require you to carry minimum liability coverage, you may face a few challenges when trying to cancel your policy. Instead of withdrawing it, your insurance provider may request that you suspend or slash your costs. You also have the option of removing yourself from the policy and letting another member take over while you are away. This is the best option if you have other people being left behind.
Auto insurance concept is complex. Making assumptions can mislead you into making the wrong decisions. If you live in or around Palm Coast, FL, feel free to visit us at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School, and we will be happy to share more information with you.