Everyone needs car insurance if they wish to navigate the open road legally and safely. That being said, many looking to purchase an insurance policy will wonder how much coverage they actually need. Will a basic auto insurance policy suffice, or should you consider auto-insurance add-ons? No matter what you’re looking for here at All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School, we’re dedicated to making sure that everyone we serve in the Palm Coast, FL area has the information they need to get the right policy for them. Here’s what you need to know about insurance add-ons.
Do I Need Insurance Add-ons?
Basic auto coverage is typically enough to cover both you and your car (or another driver) in an accident, giving you sufficient coverage to drive confidently. However, add-ons can give you a little extra coverage when you need it most. For example, gap insurance can be helpful in covering auto payments after an accident, while a roadside assistance add-on gives you the support you need no matter where you are or what has happened to your car. If you feel a little safer with additional coverage or you anticipate encountering specific issues your basic insurance policy won’t cover, add-ons might be a good fit for you.
Find the Right Auto Insurance With ACIA
No matter where you are in your auto insurance search, All Counties Insurance Agency & Traffic School is here to help you make sure you’re getting the right level of coverage for your vehicle, no matter what you need. If you live in the Palm Coast, FL, area or other surrounding areas that we service, such as Flagler Beach or Orlando, get a quote from us to find the perfect auto insurance policy today!